I love cute nursery ideas! One of the best things about being pregnant is definitely the nursery design. I love all of these. Original source is Coastal Living via Little Green Notebook. This bright and cheerful room was originally posted here. The combo of navy, peach and gold, makes this nursery so [...]
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I thought this was a great article about the benefits of wearing your baby in a sling. I wore Dominic in a sling a lot when he was younger. It not only made me feel close to him but also really helped me be mobile and get things accomplished. I wish he would still let [...]
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Believe me, I know how hard it is to look put together in the morning as a mom. Below are my favorite, easy makeup products. I literally take no more than five minutes in the morning to put my makeup on. And it really makes such a huge difference in how great I feel [...]
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I thought I would show you guys some of my favorite back to school fashion looks for kiddos. I can not wait to dress my little man for school. My husband is an amazing dresser and I know that our son will follow in his footsteps. Some of my favorite places to buy kids/baby clothes [...]
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Even though my son is 13 months old already, I still love to look at his newborn pictures. They make me smile every time. I think they turned out great and wanted to share them with everybody. I hope that you enjoy them and will start to get a glimpse into my life. [...]
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I sit and I wait for the words to come. I sit some more. My mind begins to run ahead of me tumbling along like a swiftly moving stream, tearing through the memories and swirling though the emotions as effortlessly as water rushes over and around rocks and twigs. Breathe. Tears, you need to wait, [...]
The post My journey is about to change course appeared first on Mom4Life Blog.
So maybe I have so many things to do with so little time. Maybe I just needed one thing that I could control, one thing that I could watch mold and curdle and do nothing about it. My husband and I just celebrated our 11 year anniversary. On our date, we talked about how fast [...]
The post Time To Cry Over Spilled Milk appeared first on Mom4Life Blog.
I believe that building traditions strengthens families. It adds to the “special sauce” that makes your family unique from all others. Not only that but it is just plan fun to have things to look forward to on a daily, weekly or yearly basis. This year, I have been on the hunt for some new [...]
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Among the many benefits of homeschooling that I have been discovering, one of my current favorites is the gift of intentionality. There is something powerful that happens when the reigns of learning are placed solely in your hands. Not only is it daunting, but it is also empowering. Suddenly ALL of life becomes a lesson. Not that it [...]
The post Homeschooling = living with intention appeared first on Mom4Life Blog.
I have been putting off writing this post, basically because I’ve been searching for water in the midst of an oasis. These last couple of weeks have been oozing with doubt. Doubt that spills into every exposed crack and leaches it’s filth into what little trickle of holy water my cup has left. I should [...]
The post Holy Rehydration appeared first on Mom4Life Blog.
You haven’t heard much from me lately. I’m sorry about that. I have two reasons, the first of which I’ll share today and the second I’ll probably share soon (no, I’m not pregnant ). Over Christmas break, my husband and I made a game changing decision for our family: we decided to homeschool. Homeschooling is [...]
The post homeschooling: our newest venture appeared first on Mom4Life Blog.
Why is it so difficult to keep my mouth from erupting with fault-finding lava and plumes of critical smoke? There are times I get so worked up, I’m sure my ears must be billowing steam and shooting out sparks. I work outside the home just one to two days a week. A few months ago, [...]
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Happy is defined by “feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.” Joy is described as “a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.” Both positive, both feelings. Both of them a choice. As we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving, I am excited to share this next woman with you. Ann Voskamp has impacted the way I see [...]
The post Happiness: found appeared first on Mom4Life Blog.
Sometimes I feel like a toddler in potty-training. I’m gently guided and directed again and again, day after day, with positive reinforcements only to poop in my pants once again. I forget that a toilet even exists, that a huge M&M jar awaits my successes, and I start whining and throwing tantrums about the excretions [...]
The post Hanes in the Horizon appeared first on Mom4Life Blog.
I’d like to encourage you to see your situation, your family, and your life from a new angle. In the next few weeks I am going to introduce you to a woman who has impacted me. Each of their lives remind me of the beauty that can only come out of adversity and their stories [...]
The post Reflect and learn with me appeared first on Mom4Life Blog.
Fear settles itself in and is left undisturbed for quite sometime long before I hear it breathing. It reminds me of my cat, Ewok, who likes to sneak inside when I open the door and I’m too distracted by a screaming baby or have my hands full with grocery sacks. She hides under the bed [...]
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Humility 101 Photos by Delve Photography Reading a book with both my boys has been a nightly ritual since they were born. My oldest gets to choose the title, I get to choose a cozy spot, and the baby gets to choose which way he will arrange his body on the book so that [...]
The post Humility 101 appeared first on Mom4Life Blog.
My maiden name is a German surname meaning treasure, value, or terms of endearment like darling and sweetheart. I hadn’t given it much thought until now. I began this blog in January, with a post titled, 2012: My Year of Dreams. I’ve pounded the keys of my laptop as a cathartic way to search out who [...]
The post Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend appeared first on Mom4Life Blog.
Here is a gross blog post topic only to possibly be out done by my last post. Honestly people I am just trying to weed out readers here and so only the true die hard wanting-to-remove-warts readers remain. Still readin’? Awesome, lets do this. You will need: -a wart -a roll of duck tape Tear [...]
The post How to get rid of a wart with duck tape appeared first on Mom4Life Blog.
Several months ago Quinten burned his bare bottom after backing up into our wood stove. I’d share a photo but I’ll spare you the ebejebies (how do you spell that word?) and spare myself the weirdos that would undoubtedly find this post. The sad situation came about out of an attempt to get cozy after a shower [...]
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Now tell me honestly, is this not an adorably cute face? It is. If you are also thinking it looks a tad mischievous, you would be right again. Let me pass on a little life lesson taught by my adorable son. If you choose to let your children help you juice, make sure there are no marbles nearby. [...]
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My husband and I just celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary yesterday. Below is one of my favorite pictures from our wedding. If you look close enough you can see my mother standing behind me and my good friend and personal assistant sanding behind Trent, both nervous that I would fall and skin my knee before the wedding [...]
The post thankful for my bathroom buddy appeared first on Mom4Life Blog.
When Melody approached the topic of how being a mother has changed her home (it is now a mess) and asked for tips and feedback from other moms in her post titled, “I used to have a clean house“, it started a conversation on our facebook page about what we do in our home to involve [...]
The post Put ‘em to work! appeared first on Mom4Life Blog.
Back in my teaching days (I used to teach second grade) I stumbled upon a fun picture book called “Fortunately.” The main character is taken on a wild adventure filled with fortune and misfortune. It goes something like this: Fortunately, Ned was invited to a surprise party. Unfortunately, the party was a thousand miles away. [...]
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