4 easy ways to save money in 2010

January 05, 2010

1) Make your own baby food.
You will find more ideas here.

2) Breastfeed as much as you can.
Aside from being a big money saver there are so many more benefits for you and your baby.

3) Buy reusable breastpads.
Mom 4 Life offers three options here: LilyPadz and Bravado Moisture Wick Washable Pads. and Shapely Lace.

4) Opt for a baby carrier vs. a stroller.
Not sure which kind of baby carrier to get?  Read this
article on Babywearing that I wrote or visit our sling comparison chart.

Other ideas:
-Swap maternity and baby clothing with friends or buy and sell clothing on eBay or Craig’s List.  Often you can find people willing to sell large quantities of clothing at great discounts.  These websites can also be great places to find new and used baby gear just be careful to look for items that are up to date, well manufactured and offered by a reputable seller.

Feel free to share other ideas!

Mom 4 Life. Now that Ashley owns Mom 4 Life, I am focusing my energies in homeschooling and asking God to use me in other areas.

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