This month we are GIVING it ALL away (profits that is)!

September 30, 2009

This October is special because it marks Mom 4 Life's 6th anniversary!

It is exciting to look back and see how things have changed and
also how things have stayed the same since 2003:

  • We have grown from 1 product to
    over 900. 
  • We have focused our niche on mom invented products. 
  • We
    have adopted a free shipping model of business. 
  • We have stayed customer
    focused and relationship driven. 
  • We have had fun.  

you for being
a part of our growth and success!  Here is just one of many emails we
have received from supportive Mom 4 Life customers like you:

"Hello again, I just wanted to also let you know that I tell every mom
and expecting mom I encounter about your site. I even stop pregnant ladies at
babies R us and Toys r us and tell them about all the great products on your
site. You carry more unique and useful things than any one else. Thanks again!
- Andrea"

To celebrate our 6 year milestone we are pleased to announce
that for the month of October, ALL of our profits will be donated to Open Arms
and Real Choices Clinic

Open Arms is a local non-profit agency
that offers compassionate support and assistance to anyone facing a unexpected pregnancy
or is experiencing post abortion stress. We have been in partnership with them in donating 10%
of our profits but this month we wanted to do something extra special. 
So, if there is anything you have been drooling over, this month would be a
really great time to make your purchase knowing that you are supporting a
really wonderful cause!  We would also love for you to help us spread the word about this promotion to others.

To find out more or for a page where you can link your friends and family to, click here.

Mom 4 Life. Now that Ashley owns Mom 4 Life, I am focusing my energies in homeschooling and asking God to use me in other areas.

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