Halloween Safety Tips from Parking Pal

October 28, 2009


Parking-pal-mainThe following safety information is provided by our friends at Parking Pal:



*Don't assume drivers are being extra careful because it's Halloween!

*Drivers are preoccupied with their cell phones even on Halloween!

*Never cross between cars parked on the street!

*Carefully watch cars parked in driveways. Assume someone is in them ready to back out!

*Watch for cars being driven without lights. Drivers do drive from house to house without their car lights on!

*Be aware when children are frightened they run. Direct them never to run into streets!

*Put reflective strips on sleeves, pants, hats or candy bags. Very inexpensive at the hardware! 

*If driving through neighborhoods make sure children buckle every time they re-enter the car!

*Don't let children exit the car until your out first!

*Have children exit to curb side when possible!

*Carefully watch so your children don't get into a strangers car!


Mom 4 Life. Now that Ashley owns Mom 4 Life, I am focusing my energies in homeschooling and asking God to use me in other areas.

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