Baby wipe butterfly craft

July 11, 2010

Ashlyn and I recently made some colorful butterflies using just a few simple art supplies and we thought you might have fun doing it too.  Here’s how:

What you will need:

-One baby wipe (a paper towel might also work if you don’t have a baby wipe on hand)
-Paints & brushes or fingers (markers could also work instead of paints)
-One pipe cleaner

Start by decorating the baby wipe with paint or markers.  The more color the better!  The colors will “bleed” into the wet wipe and create a beautiful effect.

When the wings are decorated to satisfaction, bend the pipe cleaner in half, wrap it around the center of the baby wipe and twist.  Finish it by bending the tops of the antenna.  Allow the butterfly to dry and enjoy!  If desired add a magnet and hang on your fridge.


Mom 4 Life. Now that Ashley owns Mom 4 Life, I am focusing my energies in homeschooling and asking God to use me in other areas.

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