Finger Paint follow-up

July 12, 2010

Mom 4 Life, Wendy sent me the following email after reading my “Artwork worth framing” post and was willing to share the project she created with her son.  Thanks for sharing Wendy!

“Hi Heather!  I read your blog and I have shopped at M4L before.  I really enjoy your blog.  Not only how you share your family and experiences but also your fun ideas.
I made the finger paint recipe and used it to create teacher gifts for my son’s preschool teachers at the end of the year.

I purchased reasonably priced 8 x 10 frames that included a mat. I made the finger paint and then Grady decorated the mats. Instead of giving the teachers a picture of Grady, I printed out the “One Hundred Years From Now” poem.   It was such a cute and easy gift.

I’m attaching a picture of Grady and one of the completed projects!  Thanks again!  Wendy”

Mom 4 Life. Now that Ashley owns Mom 4 Life, I am focusing my energies in homeschooling and asking God to use me in other areas.

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