Go to bed already!

August 25, 2010

I have discovered something about myself.  If I am up working on the computer at night, I have a hard time stopping.  I end up being up very late and at the end I find I am not doing anything productive, just killing time doing things like checking my facebook status instead of crawling into bed.  I don’t understand this.  This very minute I am writing a blog post instead of going to bed.

Knowing this about myself, I recently started shifting my computer time to earlier in the day so that I didn’t get “caught” online late at night.  However, now that I am working on my manuscript, I find that late at night have the most uninterrupted time to edit and write.  So once again I am back in the silly temptation to stay up and do nothing once I am “done.”

So while I am still awake, I will show you a few funny photos of Hunter sleeping.  See him below surrounded by his books that he was looking at before he fell asleep.

And below is the way he decided to organize and display his CD’s (he recently has been listening to the Narnia books on CD).  If you look closely, you will see that he has them set up in chronological order. . .

Hopefully no one will read this post for many hours. . . I am going to bed now:)!

So am I alone in this or does anyone else have this problem of going to bed at night?

Mom 4 Life. Now that Ashley owns Mom 4 Life, I am focusing my energies in homeschooling and asking God to use me in other areas.

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