a bun in the oven & ornaments on the tree

November 29, 2010

My Thanksgiving was lovely.  I hope yours was too.

I volunteered to make something new this year for the meal: homemade rolls!  Let me say, they were not only easy, but super yummy!  I used a refrigerator roll recipe which allows you to make the dough ahead of time and simply cook as many as you need.  The dough can be stored in the fridge for up to 4 days. I am going to start making them for sandwich bread!

And although Trent didn’t help me with this particular batch, he did have a part in helping to make a little bun in my oven about 12 weeks ago;).

Below is a video of the day we had the ultrasound shown above.  It is also the day we told the kids.  We took Hunter out of school early and told them we had a surprise.  Their clue was that they were going to get to meet a new member of their family.  They were not able to guess until we were starting the ultrasound;)!  I am sure that I will write more about this pregnancy later but for now I will say that my sickness has nearly passed (I am SO VERY THANKFUL for that) and I am excited and peaceful as we enjoy this new stage of our family’s life.  We have much to be thankful for.

In addition to the obvious excitement shared above, below are some additional highlights from our Thanksgiving weekend:

It was wonderful to wake up and not have to be anywhere shortly after breakfast.

It was fantastic to be around our family all day with a wood fireplace to cozy up to and take naps in front of.

It was fun to set up the tree and let the kids decorate it.
You should have seen Hunter and Ashlyn at work.  Hunter set out each ornament in the order they should be put on the tree in a neat (long) row on the carpet.

Ashlyn’s job was to place them on the tree.  They both loved (and were perfect for) their jobs!  Heaven forbid however that Ashlyn might grab the wrong ornament (Hunter was quick to alert her to any order issues) but should she correctly decorate several in a row, Hunter would undoubtedly praise what a good job she was doing.

The final result was spectacular and when Quinten woke up from his nap, he was quite impressed.  He signed “tree” and “lights” over and over again until his eyes caught sight of an apple ornament and then it was “apple”, “apple”, “apple”!

We hope you had (or have) just as much fun decorating your tree!

From the Ledeboer family to yours, we wish you a Christmas season of joy and thankfulness!

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