Honey, it is time. . .

May 31, 2011

I can hardly believe that it is time!

Time to get the luggage sets down from the garage and pack my hospital bag.

We are going to have a baby!  Today is going to be a big day and after being on bed rest for the last several weeks, I am pretty excited.  I am starting out with a chiropractor adjustment to make sure my hips are all aligned and ready to go and following that up with a relaxing massage.  Afterward I am getting my hair cut and then at 2:30PM I will visit with my doctor to see how dilated I am (last week Thursday I was 2 cm dilated).  There are a few different routes we could take for induction which hinge on this information and depending on how we decide to proceed I will either check into Labor and Delivery tonight or tomorrow morning.  As of today, I am 38 weeks along and for those of you who may be wondering why I will be induced, collectively my doctor, husband and I (along with prayer) decided to induce at this stage of my pregnancy as an error of caution because we were never fully able to determine the cause of Sawyer’s death.

Want to follow with me?  I will update our Mom 4 Life facebook page with details of my labor and delivery so feel free to click on over so you can join in the fun!

Thank you SO much for all your wonderful support and prayers during my pregnancy.  I can’t wait to introduce you to __________ (oh wait, you are going to have to find out the name after he is born. . . :) !

P.S. In order to give myself ample time to relax and enjoy our new little one I have pre-scheduled blog posts for the next few Mondays and have some guest posts for the next few Wednesdays.  Angela will help keep our weekly Friday giveaway posts coming.  Of course I may not be able to hold back from posting some photos and short updates but I just want you to know why there may be some blog “silence” for the next several Tuesdays and Thursdays:).

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