Warped words or peaceful promises

January 09, 2012

Now the serpent was the shrewdest of all the creatures the Lord God had made. “Really?” he asked the woman. “Did God really say you must not eat any of the fruit?” Genesis 3:1

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A handful of warped words and twisted truth changed everything for Eve.  A few moments spent focused on the tempter and everything that was once perfect, unraveled.

How easily I can do the same.  Sometimes all it takes is one night of poor sleep, one afternoon in a dirty house, one outburst from more than one child at time and my focus slips, my perception fades, my priorities disappear.  Just recently I ended the day feeling discouraged and overwhelmed.  As I began my evening routine I thought of Eve.  I wondered how she arrived at the foot of  the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the first place.  She knew the fruit of this tree was forbidden.  She had been told that death would come should she eat of it.  Yet one day she stood close enough for the words of the serpent to poison her mind as the desires of her flesh tempted her heart. Why did she wander so close, did she not sense the eminent danger?

I get too close to health danger when I go too many nights without adequate sleep, when I start eating too many unhealthy foods and when I don’t drink enough water.  Even worse, I get too close to heart danger when I compare my life or my possessions to others, when I focus too heavily on things that are temporal and when I commit spiritual starvation by attempting to be sustained today on “food” consumed last week.

I am challenged today to remember that the tempter would love nothing more than to whisper lies within my heart. Giving him a ear to do so only puts me at the foot of the tree ready to reach out to grasp the fruit.  Instead, I need to run straight into the arms of my Heavenly father and cast all my cares upon him, because he promises to care for me.

“Give all your cares and worries to God, for he cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:7

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