Dapper Snappers – A Mom4Life Giveaway

January 27, 2012

Congratulations to Laura, the winner of last week’s giveaway! The Tag*a*Long Handle is now 20% off for one week only, so don’t miss this opportunity to shop for a great product at a great price!

Do your child’s hand-me-downs fit as well as they could? Is the waist often too big for your little ones pants?  Does your child struggle with a traditional belt? Keep your child’s pants up where they belong with this week’s easy-to-use and affordable giveaway!

The Tag*a*Long Handle to Keep Independent Kids Close

Retail Price: $11.99 $9.99 20% off for one week only!

Do you have a child that longs to be independent but is still to young to safely walk totally on their own? The Tag*a*Long addresses this need head on. It is a handle that you can easily attach to your stroller, shopping cart, or diaper bag providing an option for older siblings or those kids that do not want to sit in the stroller, keeping them close by your side… learn more or watch my Tag a Long review video to see not only how easy it is to start using, but the many places and ways in which it can be used!

Dapper Snappers Adjustable Toddler Belts to the rescue to fix droopy drawers in a snap!

Retail price: $13.99

Imagine this… You’re getting the kids dressed in the morning and discover that, lo and behold, your smallest darling has had a nighttime growth spurt and all his pants are too short. “Thank goodness for hand-me-downs,” you think as you raid your preschooler’s outgrown clothes from last year. You slide them up and snap them, concentrating on the cuffs, delighted to see they are the correct length…until you let go of the clasp and the waist shimmies down to the poor child’s thighs! Ugh…the length is good but the waist is too big. Dapper Snappers can solve this situation in a snap! Simply slip it in the back belt loops and customize the fit according to your child’s waist size. Soon their pants will fit and they won’t have to fuss with a belt to get their pants on and off, easy peasy!… learn more or watch my Dapper Snappers toddler belt review video (this week’s video is extra fun as it features the children’ of the mom inventor as well as my daughter Ashlyn all talking about what they like about their Dapper Snappers and showing us how easy it is to use)!

To enter: simply follow the directions in the Rafflecopter entry form below (it is necessary to be on our blog to do this so if you are reading this via email you will need to visit this post directly).

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