4 steps to creating an “art wall” in your home

April 30, 2012

Last week I shared 7 steps to organizing your child’s art.  Now I want to share a fun way to display your child’s art.

(Total cost for this project is less than $30.00)

1) Start with a magnetic strip from The Container Store.

There are several sizes and styles but the exact one that I got was the Mighty Magnetic Strip ($12.99).  IKEA has something similar intended for kitchen knives however they look to be a little thicker (I like how thin the Mighty Magnetic Strip was).  There are some magnetic boards from IKEA that look to be nice and thin like mine is and the price is good too starting at $7.99.

2) Create your own custom magnets.

The strip that I bought comes with some very small, very powerful magnets.  However, because of the danger of magnets around children, I opted to make some larger ones.  To do this I found some family photos with smaller face images.  I cut the images into small squares and glued them to thin cardboard (such as a cereal box) to give them some added strength.  Finally, I glued the images to my magnets.  You can find more detailed instructions on making homemade photo magnets on a previous post from our blog.  Keep in mind that children’s art can be heavy so choose strong magnets (think construction paper with glued on lentil beans).

3) Add some vinyl lettering.

I wanted to make this area of the wall look intentional and give it some additional “pop” so I ordered custom vinyl lettering from Expressions By Elle.  I have ordered from Chauntelle in the past and have found her to be very easy to work with.  We emailed back and forth as she sent me examples with different fonts, colors, layouts and sizes for me to consider.  Although places like Target and Kohls are now starting to offer vinyl lettering, I love that I could create my own quote and specify the exact size and font for my project (PLUS I love supporting other work at home moms)!  Even better is that the overall price was about $14.00 which is at or below what I have seen at the big box stores.

Want to see more fun ways to use vinyl on your walls?  Do a search on Etsy for “vinyl wall decals” and you will be SO inspired by all the creative ways that they can decorate a wall!

4) Put it all together!

The final look is fun and “organized” while still being totally flexible.  The “art” can be displayed and then rotated as often as you like and when you are done, the art can go into your art bin!

When Hunter saw the finished “art wall” he said, “MOM, you put a tattoo on the wall??!!”

“I sure did buddy!”

Total project cost:
Magnetic strip: $12.99
Vinyl lettering: $14.00
Magnets: simply the cost of the photos (less than $1.00)
Total: just under $28.00

If you don’t already have a system for displaying your kid’s artwork, I hope you are inspired.  Next week Monday I will share an alternative idea that I am using in another location in our home that I think you will also enjoy.

How do you store or display your kid’s artwork?  If you liked this idea, consider pinning this post on Pinterest!

Mom 4 Life. Now that Ashley owns Mom 4 Life, I am focusing my energies in homeschooling and asking God to use me in other areas.

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