Don’t let facebook make decisions for you

August 28, 2012

It’s no fun to be left out.  Mom 4 Life fan Trisha Wieber reminded us of this when she recently posted the following on our facebook page:

Poor Trisha!  Have you been missing us on facebook too?  Facebook has implemented some sneaky new money making tactics.  Businesses now have the option to pay to have their posts made more visible by their fans.  This means that your news feed is filling up with paid-for-posts and you may be missing out on updates from pages you really want to hear from!

Thankfully it is an easy fix.  As long as you have “Liked” us (ahem-it’s okay I’ll wait while you click here to take care of that. . . all taken care of?  Great, let’s continue), now simply click on the LIKED button in the upper right hand aera of our page (below our main image) and activate the “Show in News Feed” option. Now you should be all set.  No more missing out on great information, articles or sales.

Make sure you do this for all your favorite pages so the content you see will be what YOU want to see.

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