Weekly Giveaway – Relaxations for a Healthy Pregnancy & Delivery CD

August 27, 2009

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The Shower Hug by Belmama and Cherub-made in the usa, belma and cherub, shower hug, organic, engorgement, breast relief
Congratulations to Dia, who won the organic, natural Shower Hug by Belmama and Cherub.
All Belmama and Cherub products off this week (until Thursday night).

milkscreen™ Home Test for Alcohol in Breast Milk by Up Spring Baby-breast milk, test milk, test, alcohol, breast feeding

Congratulations to Jessica, Alisha & Hope, who each won Milkscreen this week in our
Facebook Fitness Challenge.

Join Heather on her venture for better health, fun, fitness and her
pre-pregnancy jeans.
Join our Facebook
Fan Group
to participate in this fun, two-month fitness challenge and
be eligible for weekly prize giveaways, exclusively available to Fan Group

Don’t do Facebook?
No worries. We will still be doing weekly
prize giveaways on the blog each week that everyone can participate in. So, it
is double the prizes!!

Celebrate “Labor Day” with us!

Relaxations for a Healthy Pregnancy & Delivery CD-labor, relaxation, drug free birth, natural birth, natural,
Relaxations for a Healthy Pregnancy & Delivery CD by The Biofeedback Clinic
Retail Value: $15.99

Roberta Truscott, who is the creator of Relaxations for Healthy Pregnancy & Delivery, is also a RN, MPS with over thirty years of medical experience. Currently
she is owner of The Biofeedback Clinic, which assists individuals with stress
management and relaxation training. One of the most life-giving experiences of
her career was to welcome babies into the world as a labor and delivery room

The potential benefits of this CD are enormous: the guided relaxation teaches
the difference between tension/relaxation and serves as a tool for learning how
to relax, while the imagery models a way of bonding with the developing baby.
Another key feature is the guidance in preparing a woman to maintain her focus
during the transition of labor and delivery. It is a must for all soon-to-be

How do you win?

Take a look at our products designed for relaxation during labor
and tell us which one looks the most interesting to you.
If you want, share another way you have been able to help yourself relax during labor.
The winner will be
randomly drawn.
You have until Tuesday evening, September 1st, to enter.

Good luck!

Mom 4 Life. Now that Ashley owns Mom 4 Life, I am focusing my energies in homeschooling and asking God to use me in other areas.

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