Razberry teether by Razbaby review

December 27, 2009

Quinten is turning a corner.  This weekend he tried his first meal of rice cereal and man did he love it.  I first mixed up a small amount just to let him try it and as soon as that spoon was brought close to his mouth he was ready for it.  I made multiple trips back to the kitchen to mix up more before he was finally ready to move on to nursing.  Below is a video of his first feeding (and yes the cake you see in the background was Quinten’s dessert–to be quickly followed by some Pepsi and CoffeeMate and yes, he is wearing BabyLegs ;) .  It was more entertaining to watch him at the beginning of his meal but we didn’t think to pull out the video camera right away:).

He is also doing a lot more chewing on things and drooling a lot so I have a guess that the teething phase has begun.  Quinten has never been one to enjoy a pacifier but I thought I would try out our Razberry Teether because it is designed so well for teething.  I created a short video so you can see the results.  Overall, he was tentative at first but the more I have introduced it to him the more he likes it–especially if I hold it in his mouth for him.

Mom 4 Life. Now that Ashley owns Mom 4 Life, I am focusing my energies in homeschooling and asking God to use me in other areas.

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