Sharing God’s Love with Your Kids this Valentine’s Day

January 29, 2010

Product_valentine_ka81 I wanted to share with you a fun idea of how you can celebrate the "love month" with your kids. I wanted to go ahead and tell you about it today, so if you have some extra time this weekend, you can work on putting it together and be ready to go on February 1st!

I've put together 14 verses from the Psalms about God's love for us, one for each of the first 14 days of February. If I had a fancy art program, I would have put them on hearts and such. But you can just cut them apart. You might want to then glue them to paper valentines or just leave them as they are.

Put them in a basket or a box in a place where you will remember to pull one verse out each day and read them together. Make sure you don't put the ones you've read back away. You could hang them up as decorations, if you like, on your wall or on your window.

So, your task for today is to read over the verses and let God's love soak in to your heart. Then make a plan for how you want to do your valentines from God.

You can download the verses right here:  Love from the Psalms

When you click on the link, you will be "previewing the text." You will need to click on the blue "Download (11KB)" link to open the Microsoft file.

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Sharing God’s Love with Your Kids this Valentine’s Day appeared first on Mom4Life Blog.

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