In 2004, I became a mom. My world immediately changed the moment I saw that heart flickering on my doctor's ultrasound machine. One of the first decisions I made as a new mom, was deciding to give breastfeeding a try. I soon found myself passionate about it and unwilling to give up. I would gaze at my daughter as she nursed, lying motionless and content. She was oblivious to everything else in the big world around her, wanting only to lay in my arms for nourishment. Oh, how simple it was, these moments of bonding so perfect. I could do this breastfeeding thing, no problem!
Ha, right! Despite a B.S. in early childhood (having taken many infant development/nutrition classes), reading numerous books and attending a breastfeeding class, not once was it EVER mentioned that nursing would change that peaceful moment of bonding into a hair pulled, neck pinched, and bruised battle. My daughter was distracted by the smallest sounds, the slightest movement, and I had to kick my husband out of the room just to nurse her.
As I watched her nurse, I noticed her calm engagement with my necklaces. In particular, she would grab a necklace, of great sentimental value, that my grandmother had given to me. In fear that she would soon destroy it, I needed to create something that was safe for her to twiddle instead of continually taking it off and just putting up with this behavior. Simple idea with complex components. But seeing how my basic idea worked in action (after creating my first Dangling Donut) and lessened her distractibility and pulling, I was driven to fine-tune the design and create a line of Mommy Necklaces for myself.
Being passionate about style and motherhood, I began my mission. I would create stylish, functional, and mommy-inspired jewelry. It would use strong, durable cording that wouldn't break when pulled upon. The beads would be non-toxic and safe for fingers. I would bridge functionality with style and make Mommy Necklaces something more than a few necklace laying on MY dresser. I was going to get these all over the world!
Then, it was a dream. ... Six years later, it is finally a reality.
Yep, our necklaces ARE NOW found on dressers all over the world. And, while my designs were originally inspired for breastfeeding mothers, I find mothers of all ages and stages, breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding, deserve justified jewelry. If you like the thought of stylish, customizable, and dependable necklaces, buy them. I don't want to hear, "But I'm not a ..." There is no Mommy Necklace rule book out there. Whatever your reason, whatever your style - Mommy Necklaces IS jewelry justified.