Funny Things Happen When You Work At Mom 4 Life

August 17, 2009

Not too long ago, I found myself rushing to the pediatrician's office with my oldest son, who apparently had an allergic reaction to something and was struggling to breathe through a swollen throat. I used to work at this pediatrician's office; so as I was checking in, the office girls were asking me about where I worked now and how life was going, etc. I picked up a current issue of Pregnancy Magazine, while I was sitting in the waiting room and found the Mom 4 Life ad page to show to my former office buddies. I was still holding the magazine when we were called back to the exam room and then quickly ushered next door to the hospital for neck X-rays.

Now, to make things a little more interesting, I was also wearing a "Lifer" T-shirt. It wasn't related to Mom 4 Life, but another important thing in my world – my church. I am a part of Real Life Ministries, and we often tag ourselves "Lifers."

So….here I am at the hospital. I now have to check in at the registration desk and answer a zillion questions.  The very polite young woman now gets to the question of who my employer is, and I answer, "Mom 4 Life." She kind of giggled and pointed at my shirt, and said, "Well, yes, I think that should be a category too." She marked something down on the form and went to the next question. It took a bit of mental processing before I caught what she was thinking. After all, I am at the ER with four boys – one who is having difficulty breathing – and trying to answer a zillion questions. But it finally clicked in my brain that she thought I was saying that I was a mom (in regards to my employment)…and apparently proud of my "life sentence" enough to wear it displayed on my shirt.

So I asked, "You did catch that I was actually giving you an employer's name didn't you?"

"Oh," she said, "I thought you were saying you were a mom, and I definitely agree it is a job."

"Me too!" I said, "But I really work for a company called Mom 4 Life."

"Oh, ok." (she began to write some things down) "What is that?" she asked.

I explained how we were an online retailer that carried 100% mom-invented products for babies, toddlers, maternity, and nursing stages. I explained that it was a local company, etc.

She asked for my work phone number and was having difficulty getting it straight and questioning that it would go straight to me, etc. At this time, I conveniently remember that I am STILL carrying around the Pregnancy Magazine from the doctor's office. So I thought I would just show her and let her copy the number down.

"See, right here. This is where I work. This is my phone number. That rings straight to me." To which I received a blank stare. I now realized that the nice office lady really thought I was a kook just pointing to the first company I saw in a magazine and trying to say it is where I worked.  She was polite enough to go ahead and write the information down, but I know she probably ran a few checks to see if was in any way legitimate.

…and I might have been bothered if I wasn't standing there with four boys, one with a swollen throat struggling to breathe, while I flagged down my husband running into the ER in a panic because the only thing he could hear over the phone while rushing from work through the mountains was "khhkhkh ER khkhkh neck X-ray khkhkhkh!"

However, it was really just pretty funny. My son ended up being just fine, and I will proudly continue carrying out my "sentence" as a Mom 4 Life!

Funny Things Happen When You Work At Mom 4 Life appeared first on Mom4Life Blog.

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