How to: Homemade glass cleaner

May 27, 2010

You may recall that one of my goals this year was to start making my own cleaning products.  The reason for this is two fold:

1) I want to have products in my home that are safe for our family and don’t add extra allergens.

2) I want to save money.

The first homemade cleaning product I tried was a scrub that would be used in place of Comet.  I love this easy, inexpensive mix.  Just this week I let a friend of mine try it.  She cleans houses for a living.  After using it she was so impressed, she asked me for the recipe!

Now that spring is here, I am noticing that my windows are *ahem* not very sparkly.  So I decided to whip up some glass cleaner.  This glass cleaning recipe is so darn easy that you will have NO excuse for not giving it a try:)!  Ready?

1) Find a spray bottle (I used my empty Windex bottle).

2) Fill it half way with water.

3) Fill it the rest of the way with white vinegar

All done!

This mixture works wonderfully, has no after odor and no chemicals.  Plus it is CHEAP!  I buy my vinegar at Costco.  You can get (2) 1 gallon jugs for $3.99.  Now lets say that you used this vinegar ONLY to make glass cleaner.  Once you mixed the vinegar with water (1 to 1 ratio) you would get 4 gallons cleaner total.  One gallon = 128 fluid oz.

This means you would get 512 oz. of glass cleaner for $3.99. Compare this to buying a 32 oz. container of Windex at Walmart ($2.48) or Target ($2.49).  To get 512 oz. of Windex you would pay about $39.84! This means that making your own glass cleaner is a savings of 898%! I will never buy another bottle of Windex again.

Another alternative is the E-cloth.  I have these for cleaning and they work really well!  You
can get one for glass and polishing for $9.99 (they have other options
depending on what you are cleaning).  Because it can be washed and reused
needed, you will find your costs being saved in the long run.  You can
see Ashlyn with the blue E-cloth in the image below (at her feet).  And sorry, you can’t hire her to clean your windows–we keep her far to busy cleaning our house!

Happy spring cleaning!

How about you, do you have any favorite methods for cleaning glass?

Mom 4 Life. Now that Ashley owns Mom 4 Life, I am focusing my energies in homeschooling and asking God to use me in other areas.

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