Fantastic Deodorant Powder

June 28, 2010

by Kristina Bjornbak

While looking for some new skirt tutorials to try out, I came across the Polka Dot Cottage.  I was in love with the place, which is full of crafts, tutorials, and life.  It had a perfect skirt tutorial that I tried and it worked out great.

While perusing through her site, I came across a recipe for deodorant powder.  Now, I’ve never found a deodorant/antiperspirant that I can say I really like.  It was just something that I had and used.  Nothing too great about that.

But, having found this recipe, I have to say I really do love it.  It couldn’t be easier to make or use.  Just put the ingredients in a jar, shake it up, and apply with cotton ball or powder puff.  And so far, no problems with it whatsoever.

A quick note, though, for the sake of clarity: deodorant and antiperspirant are two different things.  Deodorant keeps you from smelling, and antiperspirant keeps you from sweating.  This is a deodorant.

Go ahead, click here and give this deodorant recipe a try.  I bet it works for you!

Fantastic Deodorant Powder appeared first on Mom4Life Blog.

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