The Baby Banquet: a mom’s review

December 15, 2010

“My two year old daughter has gluten intolerance, dairy protein
intolerance, soy protein intolerance, and is allergic to eggs.
Needless to say, it is very difficult to feed her – especially while
we are out and about. I purchased the Baby Banquet in hopes that
I could pack her special lunches when we’d go out that she would be
excited to eat.

From the day the Baby Banquet arrived she couldn’t wait to eat
“her special lunch” in it.  Our first use I put gluten free pretzels,
Annie’s organic bunny fruit snacks, and a small organic juice box
on the bottom and on the top level in the cups I put gluten free/egg
free pasta with gluten free hot dogs, a gluten free Snickerdoodle
cookie, and organic gluten free peanut butter.

Before purchasing I was concerned that the cup size and portions
would not be large enough for my two year old.  But it was PLENTY
(as you can see!).  She ate every single thing and was SO proud
of her “special lunch”.

The hook on the Baby Banquet was helpful in hooking on to the
diaper bag pocket to keep it upright and one use we even hooked
it to the front bar of her stroller for her to eat from!

We are thrilled with this product!”

Sarah P, Mom 4 Life of 3 beautiful children

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The post The Baby Banquet: a mom’s review appeared first on Mom4Life Blog.

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