Superhero Nursery

August 02, 2013

SUPER CUTE :-) Seriously would consider this nursery if I had another boy in the future. This is a re-post from Better Home and Gardens but I adore it so much that I had to share it. Its fun and whimsical. Everything that being a baby should be.


Sources, from top left: (1) White Pendant; (2) Superman Bunting; (3) Superhero Letter; (4) Hooks for hanging capes; (5) Batman poster; (6) Zap; (7) Be Brave; (8) Thor print; (9) Flash Pillow; (10) Skip Crib; (11) Batman Pillow; (12) Superman Poster; (13) Chevy Blue Dresser; (14) Hulk Poster; (15) Vintage Batman Comic Book; (16) White Joya Rocker; (17) Solar Flare Rug; (18) Star Fabric (great for curtains); (19) Gold Dot Crib Sheet; (20) Dynamic Duo; (21) Captain America Poster

Let me know what you think!


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